Faximum Combines Music and Software on CD-ROM

Dallas, TX - March 14, 1995 - Faximum Software Inc. of West Vancouver, B.C., is pioneering a revolutionary new marketing concept: software and music on a single CD.

The CD contains a copy of Faximum fax software for UNIX, and over 40 minutes of contemporary and classical music by such noted composers as Hoagy Carmichael and Bach.

Faximum unveiled its exciting creative promotion at the March 14 - 16 UniForum `95 in Dallas, Texas.

UniForum attendees who pick up the CD and want to evaluate the software are faxed or e-mailed an activation key. The key gives users a free 30-day software "test drive".

When they wish to take the software off the CD and install it on their computers, Faximum faxes or e-mails detailed installation instructions. Once the software is installed, the CD can be played on any CD player just like any other music CD.

According to Vice President Carolanne Reynolds, "As far as we are aware, this is the first combination of music with software on a CD for the purpose of marketing software."

Faximum has received considerable international recognition for its UNIX fax software, having won "reviewer's choice" from UNIXWORLD and UNIXREVIEW magazines as well as having had its fax software selected and licensed by Sun Microsystems and Hewlett-Packard.

Faximum is also the first and only fax software company on the World Wide Web. See their WWW site ( http://www.faximum.com/) for more information.